Monday, May 13, 2013

Liz's and Pab's Diner!

I was invited to a party this past weekend and the theme was burgers without borders. What a cool theme, right! We had four different types of meat: pork, lamp, beef, and chicken. Since the main dishes were burgers, I thought why not make some sweets which looked like burgers with fries! (:

-Vanilla wafers
- thin mints/grasshoppers
- oreo fudge cremes
- sugar cookie mix (or you can make it from scratch)
- sweetened flaked coconut
- frosting
- food coloring: green, red, yellow
- foil cupcake liners
- sandwich bags or pastry bags
> You will start by coloring your frosting and coconut
> Take two sandwich bags and fill each up with a good amount of frosting
    (I just eye-balled how much I thought I needed, but I believe 1/8 to 1/4 of a cup
     is a good amount. Plus you can always add more)
> Add 2-4 drops of yellow food coloring to one bag (mustard) 
   & 2-4 drops of red to the other (ketchup)
> In your third bag put in a good amount of coconut 
    (Again, I eye-balled and used a handful. But I think 1/8 to 1/4 of a cup 
     is a good amount)
> Then add 2 drops of green food coloring to your coconut bag (lettuce)

> Next pick out two nice looking vanilla wafers
    (Usually, I just pick out a nice one for the top "bun" because for appearance)
> You can use thin mints or oreo fudge cremes as the patty
    (This depends on your preference. I enjoy the thin mints! (: But my boyfriend 
     doesn't like the flavor of mints to I use orea fudge cremes for him) 
      - just a note the oreo will be sweeter
> Lay one wafer on the opposite side and add some frosting to hold your patty
> Place your thin mints/oreo on top of the wafer & add your condiments (frosting)
> I just make a zigzag design with the yellow/red frosting
    (Since I used sandwich bags, I just cut a tiny bit off of the tip)
> Then you add your lettuce (coconut) on top
> & finish your burger by topping it with another wafer
    -Another nice touch is to add sesame seeds on the top wafer to make it look 
     more like a burger. I just did not have any this time.
> I made a total of 26 burgers but I did have some leftovers. 
    So, I assume you can make 30-40 burgers if you were to use all your supplies. 

French Fries
> You will start by following the instructions of the sugar cookie mix 
    or make your own from scratch
> Get a cookie sheet pan and lay out foil and spread some butter on the foil
> Just spread the batter out flat on the sheet and check on it every 3-5 mins since
    it is thinner than cookies
> You can also add yellow food coloring to the batter if you want a more yellow
    color to the fries, but I think the natural color of the sugar is more realistic 

> Take the sheet out of the oven & cut right away when the cookie is still warm
    (This is because it will be easier and will not crumble when you cut them)
> Just cut them to look like fries and also proportional to your burgers 

Time to decoration!
- foil cupcake liners
- checker printed wrapping paper
- twine
- mailing labels
- party baggies

> So any little touches will make your sweets extra cute! (:
> I put the burgers into the foil cupcake liners so it looks like the burgers
    are wrapped in foil just like fast food joints!
> For the fries, I just used some wrapping paper and folded into a simple 
    pocket to hold the French fries.
> I also purchase some plastic baggies to put the sweets in 
   & just tied it with some twine! 
> Pablo made a label for the baggies which tied the whole project together! 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Spring Splash 2013.

Walk The Fken MOON!! they were amazinggg!! 

flag shirt - thrifted!!
my flag shorts - diy project <click here>

the view on top of the ferris wheel <3